Cathy Foley - Quantum in Action

Quantum has entered the lexicon of marvel movies

  • you in industry need to be taking action now
  • Will Australia lose out on this race due to lack of investments
    • Even Signapore invests more than Australia in to Quantum apparently?
  • How do you see cooperation with the united states and the UK.

State of the Nation - Panel discussion

Joel Wallman Keysight - bridging the gap between theory and experiment

Warwick Bowen - The potential for quantum in biotechnology

Panel - the role of governemnt in quantum ecosystem

Barry Sanders - Quantum Canada

Jeremy O’Brien - PsiQuantum

Hon Ed Husic MP - federal minister for inductry nad science - Delivering on australia’s strengths in quanutm technologies

Panel: Cyber security in the quantum age Alexey Bocharnikov, APAC Quantum Technology Leader, EY

Lily Lidong Chen, Manager, Cryptographic Technology Group, Computer Security Division, National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA (V); Julian Fay, Chief Technology Officer, Senetas; Peter Rohde, Senior Lecturer, UTS;Gavin Brennen, Professor, Macquarie University (Panel Chair)    - you don’t just a cryptographic system to be secure. You also want it to work.

Andrew Dzurak, CEO & Founder, Diraq- quantum counting private investment greater than $1B per annum

Panel: Australia’s strengths in quantum sensing> Andre Luiten, Managing Director, QuantX Pty Ltd;

Silvana Palacios, Lead Quantum Physicist, Nomad Atomics; Jim Rabeau, Director, Quantum Technologies, CSIRO (Panel Chair)- we can cook quantum sensing croissants with 50% reliability. Next step is reliable mass production

Panel: Bridging the research to commercialisation gap> Clare Birch, Associate, Blackbird;

Lucas Hakewill, Accelerator Program Manager, UNSW Founders Nat Puffer, Managing Director, IQT International; Thomas Volz, Professor, Macquarie University and Strategic Partnerships Manager, Redback Systems; Annie Parker, Executive Director, Tech Central, Greater Cities Commission (Panel Chair);